Sunday, October 6, 2013

An Unexpected Hamlet

The fame and adaptability of Hamlet are such that allusions can be found seemingly everywhere:  TV, film and even the New York Times Crossword ("BB or not BB; that is the question.").  Imagine my surprise when Hamlet made an appearance at a rock concert!  I was in Albany, New York, to see a performance of singer, songwriter and guitar master Richard Thompson at The Egg.  My attention was already rapt, but it became even more so when he announced that his next song was about Hamlet.  (Thompson devotees may not have been too surprised.  As a new fan, though, I was caught immediately off guard.)  He proceeded to tell us a story.

The song in question is entitled (The Story of ) Hamlet.  It was written in 1949 (or so) by Frank Loesser.  As Mr. Thompson told us, it was quite an accomplishment to cover the entire play in four verses.  It might also be a sign, he said, that Shakespeare used too much padding.  Loesser removed Shakespeare's English and replaced it with then-contemporary, "hep-cat" English.

Mr. Thompson's version of the song showcased his guitar playing and his singing, as well as Mr. Loesser's humorous retelling of Hamlet.  It was one highlight in a show filled with them.

I was able to find on YouTube a clip of the song as played by Mr. Thompson a few years ago.  Skip ahead to 4:30 for the beginning of Hamlet.  (The first song, Persuasion, is excellent as well!)  The performance is a bit rough, but you'll get the essence of it.

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