Sunday, June 2, 2024

(Open) Road Hazard

This post began with a text message.  My brother was on a shopping excursion and saw an advertisement for a local production of Hamlet.  Knowing well my affection for the subject (and having contributed materially to several posts over the years), he sent a picture of the play poster.  I did some research into the production.  This particular Hamlet was staged by the Open Road Theatre.  They are a local community theatre company, dedicated to "re-imagined casting which is all inclusive for the benefit of everyone."  Curiously, the play was given a subtitle:  "To Be or Not To Be--Our Authentic Self."  I had no previous experience with their productions, and the quoted characteristics left me apprehensive.  I thought immediately of the Othello I had seen and fled recently (see 5/16/24 post).  Hamlet was performed at MuCCC, a small comfortable theatre with which I have plenty of experience.  Taking another of my brother's text messages entirely out of context, "Sometimes ya gotta pull the trigger..."  I decided to go for it.

MuCCC is a black box theatre with four rows of seating.  As I had learned from previous visits, rows one and two are great--comfortable and terrific sight lines.  Rows three and four...not so much.  Fortunately I was in my "usual" spot:  second row, stage right.  The set consisted of four stage cubes and four blank canvas flat panels on the back wall.  The former served numerous purposes, and this became a problem later in the production as too much time was expended setting and resetting the cubes for scene changes.  The panels broke up the back wall, but I did not notice them serving much of a "scenic environment" as the playbill had described.  Other props were carried in and out as needed.

The costuming was designed to depict Elsinore in 1599.  The pieces looked great and certainly conveyed the desired period.  Also, the costumes never changed.  Hamlet was never shown with his doublet all unbraced or demonstrating any effects of madness.  Only Ophelia changed outfit during the course of the show.

The play was advertised as "an estimated 2 hours and 20 minutes."  With that running time, numerous cuts would have to be made.  This requires the director to decide what to remove.  In this case, there were some questionable choices.  The Fortinbras subplot and Hamlet's "How all occasions" soliloquy were left in, although the soliloquy was much shortened.  The dumb show was left in.  Much of Polonius' witty dialogue was removed.

Additionally, there were a couple of questionable casting decisions.  Horatio was recast as a woman, I think. The character's male name was kept, but the costuming was female.  (At least the name was not re-imagined as Horatia!)  Equally poor was changing Rosencrantz to a female character, I think.  The costume was that of a male character, but it seemed that the role was supposed to be female.  Whatever the point of these alterations, they did not work. 

Given that this is a community production and that cast members are not professional actors, one has to cut them some slack.  Among the various roles, Hamlet and Polonius stood out.  Hamlet first appeared with eyes rolling at Claudius' proclamations.  Throughout, Hamlet was restrained and believable.  It was an enjoyable performance.  Polonius was the highlight of the show.  The actor, with over 100 productions to his credit, showed that he was well-versed in his craft.  He was a joy to watch!  Regrettably, much of his dialogue was cut in order to fit the running time.  The remaining acting performances did not have much to recommend them.

The first half of the production moved quickly with good pace.  The players' arrival was a bad omen, though.  The performances were especially dreadful.  The "Rugged Pyrrhus" speech, traditionally spoken by First Player, was split between the Player King and Player Queen.  It was entirely unbelievable, done as some sort of ham-handed slapstick that just rankled.  This destroyed the "Rogue and peasant slave" soliloquy that followed.  Hamlet's reference to the player being brought to tears fell apart, given that the player showed no sincere emotion at all.  It was a very poor directorial choice.  Greater consideration should have been given to the admonitions about overacting that Hamlet gives to the players.

The second half of the play had little dramatic flow.  It opened with the "To be or not to be" soliloquy.  Ophelia was sitting on stage; did Hamlet know that?  It was unclear, as he delivered his speech to a portrait of his father hanging on the wall.  A glaring mistake occurred after Polonius was dispatched.  As Hamlet was being questioned about the disposal of the body, the usual lines to Claudius about Heaven and Hell were spoken.  The rest of the dialogue, including the comment about nosing Polonius under the stairs was omitted.  So where was Polonius?  Was the body ever found?  This, too, was never clarified.

Things moved quickly in the remainder of the half, as if the cast were trying consciously to get done within the advertised time limit.  (Part of this may have been due to the failure of the climate control system in the theatre, which led the room to get more uncomfortably hot as the evening progressed.)  Removing the Fortinbras subplot would have helped as it added nothing to the performance.  (And why was Fortinbras a princess?)  Instead, what was left of the second half was largely edited to keep the plot points while losing the joy of Shakespeare's words.  The duel scene was tame and unbelievable, and everyone died as expected.  The Horatio character let loose with a tremendously loud and totally unnecessary scream while cradling the body of Hamlet.  Thank God the rest was silence!

It is admirable that community theatre companies continue to perform the works of Shakespeare many hundreds of years after they were written.  This presents a quandary for a director, however.  Is the play being produced as a work of its own time, of the time in which it is being performed, or something else?  The choice influences the presentation.  What is the stress--the plot?  The words?  If one is intent on just telling a story, then there is no need to adhere to Shakespeare.  If one is performing Shakespeare's play, then one should actually use Shakespeare's play, especially the words.  This performance, admirable as it may have been in intent, failed in the execution.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Changing Tastes

Once upon a time...  Stop.  One should not start a story that way; it's cliche.  Looking back over 200+ posts and nearly eleven years, though, gives this author pause for reflection, and that pause leads to a new post in a different direction.

When I began this blog over a decade ago, it was an outlet for writing about all things Hamlet (and Shakespeare, more generally).  I didn't imagine that there would be many readers out there; a not-terribly-well-advertised blog about Hamlet is not exactly anything earth-shattering.  It was an enjoyable reason to go to the theatre, to see a play, to read something new, to write.  And for many of those many posts, it was very enjoyable!

For a time, there was not much relating to Hamlet or Shakespeare that I would not undertake.  My bookshelves are still overflowing with various Hamlet resources.  There is quite a collection of Playbills in my apartment.  Hamlet took me all over for performances--some excellent, some dreadful.  I took them all in cheerfully with an eye (and pen and pad) to recounting them.

I guess after a while, though, one's tastes change.  Be it books, films, music:  one looks for something new and different.  Certainly the frequency of blog posts waned over the years.  One can only read so much before one starts to run out of titles (and wants to read something new).  The opportunities to see live performances, Hamlet or not, also decreased--the normal progression of things as well as pandemic-induced issues.

All of this was brought home quite obviously when I returned to the University of Rochester's International Theatre Program to see their production of Othello during the recently concluded spring semester.  They were responsible for an enjoyable Hamlet many years ago (see 10/14/13 and 10/20/13 posts).  Plus, there was a new theatre built on campus, and I looked forward to seeing it.  Things looked promising.

I arrived at the theatre early and spent some time in the lobby reading through the Playbill.  The first cloud appeared on the horizon.  This production was a modern adaptation with a female in the role of Iago, recast as a lesbian military officer.  I nearly walked out at that point, but I restrained myself.  The ticket was already bought, after all.  The evening's show ended up being a sell-out (it was opening night).  As we filed into the theatre proper, I took in the sights--there weren't any.  The new theatre is a very utilitarian black box, with exposed fixtures and retractable risers for seating.  There was no set to speak of, just various props moved on and tossed off as necessary.

The play was not terribly interesting (to be polite).  The cast gave a valiant attempt, but it was not reaching this audience member at all.  In the early days of the blog, I might have stuck it out in the name of Internet journalism.  Nowadays, though, it is not worth the effort.  At the interval, I bailed.  I know how it all turns out, or I could always reread my post from 2/14/21 to find out.

Another blogging opportunity arose with the broadcast of Hamlet on public television last week.  Apparently it was a recorded performance of the recent NYC Shakespeare in the Park production.  A three-hour show beginning at 9 p.m. is stretching things, but I gave it a shot...until I saw it.  A modern African-American retelling of the tale opening with a casket covered by a U.S. flag and a picture of a U.S. serviceman on a house.  Gospel music.  What?  That was enough.  Change the channel, watch something else.  I did flip back a bit later to check in during a commercial break on what I was watching, and I was met with the player performing his speech as a song, I think.  I didn't stay around long enough to find out.

A recent (and well-deserved) vacation took me to England for a group tour of English cathedrals.  One of our evenings was spent in Stratford-upon-Avon.  It was wonderful to be back there and to wander over to Holy Trinity Church (closed for Evensong unfortunately).  During the course of the evening, one of the other tour members and I chatted about dramatic productions.  (Our hotel was directly across the street from the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.)  He said that he used to enjoy attending theatre shows, but in recent times everything seemed to be too modernized, too controversial, trying too hard to fit into some movement.  I could not have agreed more wholeheartedly!  We commiserated as I told him about the Othello that I attended for half.  If we were able to have that conversation now, I could add the PBS Hamlet.

So what happens to this blog?  I'm not sure.  There may be occasion to get to a theatre, to catch a film, or to read a book, and if so a post will follow.  Life being what it is though (short), selectivity is a good thing.

Of course, what would a trip to Stratford be without a photo?  A quiet moment of reflection indeed!